There are several important factors that enable Rican Construction to install shear studs on several large projects at the same time:
Exclusive : we are the only company in Victoria with equipment capable of running on standard power points available on site. There are 10 complete units perfectly suitable for multilevel or limited access sites.
Rican Construction can supply its own generators if there is no suitable power supply available on site. There are four generators available, each with sufficient power capacity for stud welding. Generators are normally used on sites where it is not possible to use the existing power source.
Mobile Truck Units: Rican Construction has two fully mobile units with generators and stud welding boxes on trucks. Those units can service most jobs and require almost no setup.
Quality and compatibility of equipment: Our stud welding boxes can operate from standard power supplies available on most building sites which eliminates the need for large generators on site, lengthy extension leads and greatly improves efficiency and accessibility to the job. Our welding boxes can be moved around the site by Alimak — no need to use a crane!
Quality control: Rican Construction have developed a quality control system which involves a regular supervision of stud welding crews, testing of studs and implementation of Health and Safety procedures on the site. All studs supplied are certified by current Australian standards.